無麩質素地瓜布朗尼 Gluten Free Vegan Sweet Potato Brownies

NT$ 1,295.00

|商品介紹|Introduction |


Replacing flour with Taiwan's sweet potato and cane sugar with Lakanto’s monk fruit sugar, this brownie is our first product in the series “ dedicated to being health conscious (yet tasty) & environmentally friendly. Our pastry chefs went through many iterations to create this balanced, yet tasty dessert. Our gluten-free series takes it a step further, emphasizing not just the ingredients’ integrity but also satisfying sweet cravings during this Holiday period. The use of the natural sweetener - monk fruit sugar makes these treats suitable for all ages, including elderly family members, allowing everyone, health-conscious or not, to savor Heritage's desserts together.

|食材|Ingredients |


** 過敏原:本產品包含堅果不適合其過敏體質者食用,不包含麩質、乳製品。

Allergens: This product contains nuts and is not suitable for individuals with nut allergies. It does not contain gluten or dairy. The production facility for this product uses equipment or production lines that handle dairy products, making it unsuitable for individuals with dairy allergies. Vegan friendly.


 Deliveries & in-store pick-ups are available.
Preoder 3 days ahead.


Keep in the freezer for up to 30 days.
Keeps in the fridge for up to 10 days.
Keeps at room temperature for up to 6 days.
